Adaptable Contextual Farming Invoking Self Dependency
project location
Kozhikode, India
team members
Hisham Abdul Hakkeem
Febin Jamal
Huda Zulphikar
Nashwah Bathool
Ahamed Mishal
Fiza Ameena Bava
Aysha Henan
Rishab Mohammed
Noureen Amina K
Salal M Rahman
Manal Moosa
Vasil K V
Fathima Ak
Firas Shamsudheen
Mushtaq Ali E
Aysha Neha C
Mohammed Sadik
Shahabaz Sidhick
Abhishek Boban
Adaptable Contextual Farming Invoking Self Dependency is a versatile gardening solution that roots for self dependence by means of modern-day solutions. Human beings have always stood connected amongst themselves for even the basic need. But amidst the pandemic,We came to realise that in order to future proof ourselves we need to be equally self-sufficient and prioritise food security.This quest led to Hydroponics-An expensive system of high yield agriculture. Through further climatic and contextual adaptations, we up-brought a paradigm that tackles water unavailability, space take up and excessive expenses, which are of equal prominence in each city and village. The project is capable of transforming lives, as it easily covers for the supply of vegetables. Thus cost of living drops, improving quality of life.
jury comments
“Straightforward and clear; this hydroponic orchard humbly serves its purpose of providing food security in an otherwise destitute area, through the utilization of easy-to-construct modules that simultaneously promise a skill-building project for the community.” - Sebastián Trujillo
“Adaptable farming focusses on food security of a low-income cluster making them self-sustainable and resilient using hydro phonics. The idea is very responsive(socially, economically & environmentally) and has the potential to be scaled and replicated in several such neighbourhoods. To create a wider impact, I would suggest focus on creating entrepreneurs through this pilot who can then take this forward in other such clusters.” - Shahena Khan
“The promise of hydroponic gardening as an adaptable, replicable way to advance food justice, safety and availability for families comes to life with this proposal. Imagining how this could evolve into broad distribution is something we look forward to.” - Stephen A. Goldsmith
“This project is interesting because of the modest scope and its implementability. The idea of food security through simple solutions is important and this project shows the possibility. In the next phase it will be important to work on the design and the site specificity of the solution. It will also be important to work on equipping the community to maintain the assembly. It will be important to further work on scalability, where the community can be trained to build these infrastructures themselves as well as to build capacity in fund raising for these initiatives from various government and non-government sources.” - Rupali Gupte