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Understanding Jane Jacobs: Q&A with Roberta Brandes Gratz


Understanding Jane Jacobs: Q&A with Roberta Brandes Gratz

To those who work in historic preservation, Roberta Brandes Gratz is well known as the author of several books examining how neighborhoods and cities have revived over time. Her most recent book, We're Still Here Ya Bastards: How the People of New Orleans Rebuilt Their City, takes a deep dive into New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina, outlining how local people, more than government officials or policy experts, led the rebirth of that city. She is also the author of The Battle for Gotham: New York in the Shadow of Robert Moses and Jane Jacobs, which made her the perfect person to ask about her work and the legacy of Jane Jacobs as part of our series on women in historic preservation.

Throughout our conversation, Gratz emphasized the importance of Jane Jacobs’ philosophy in thinking about the places in which we live, a philosophy Gratz continues to advocate as a co-founder and governing board member of the Center for the Living City.


Observation & Action Network Grants Program | India


Observation & Action Network Grants Program | India

OBSERVATION & ACTION NETWORK (OAN) Grants Program is a collaboration with the Center for the Living City, the Urban Design Collective and NASA India that invites students who are extremely passionate about transforming their cities/towns for a better tomorrow. This program will utilize skill-sets and tools that both inform action and support students’ developing voices. The OAN strives to create a network where students can involve themselves directly with identifying and solving real urban challenges with people in their neighborhoods while also connecting with other creative leaders throughout the world. The Grants Program is an inaugural part of the OAN, as the three winners become the first 2020 OAN Fellows. Each of the winning individuals or teams will be awarded $500 USD for the implementation of their proposals.
