• Virtual Zoom Webinar (map)
  • New York City

Join the Center for the Living City for the first discussion in the 2022 Jane Jacobs Lecture Series, 'It Starts With Water--from the classroom to a nonprofit'. Brian Tonetti, Executive Director of the Seven Canyons Trust, will lead us through the path of envisioning, uncovering, and restoring buried and impaired creeks in Utah's Salt Lake Valley. Learn how students took a project from the classroom to a nonprofit organization. This conversation begins with the question, 'what would water do?'

Space is limited but the event will be recorded and available on our website and YouTube channel afterwards. 

The Jane Jacobs Lecture Series is free and open to the public, but your support makes our work possible. Please consider donating to support future lectures. A special thank you to Marywood University’s School of Architecture and AIA NEPA for sponsoring this lecture.



Brian Tonetti is the founder and Executive Director of the Seven Canyons Trust, a nonprofit working to uncover and restore the buried and impaired creeks of the Salt Lake Valley. As a student at the University of Utah, he created the award-winning 100 Years of Daylighting. This visioning document led to the creation of the Seven Canyons Trust in 2014. In his role, he led implementation of the Three Creeks Confluence project--an award-winning effort to daylight Red Butte, Emigration, and Parley’s creeks where they flow into the Jordan River in Salt Lake City, UT. He graduated from the University of Utah with degrees in Environmental and Sustainability Studies and Urban Planning. His passion for waterways developed out of a love for skiing (a frozen watersport).

Jane Jacobs Lecture Series Sponsors